More Able and Talented Provision (MAT)

Glanhowy Primary School achieves NACE Challenge Cymru Accrediation

We are thrilled to announce that Glanhowy Primary School has achieved the prestigious NACE Challenge Award Accreditation for recognition of our school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able and talented learners, within the context of challenge for all.

Please click on the link for the press release in full.

Who are the More Able and Talented Learners (MAT)?

'More Able and Talented' is the term the Welsh Assembly Government have adopted to describe pupils who, "require opportunities for enrichment and extension that go beyond those provided for the general cohort of pupils."  

At Glanhowy our MAT pupils would usually have a standardized score of 120+ in their National Tests or just below and be working above the level expected for their year group in their everyday class-based lessons.  Our English MAT pupils would also have a reading age which is considerably higher than their actual age.

We support our MAT pupils in two main ways: by offering continued challenge and support in their classroom environment and by offering English and/or Mathematics MAT sessions once weekly outside of the classroom in a group no larger than 6 where we can continue to challenge and stimulate our More Able learners.

What can parents do to support their 'More Able' children?

  • Encourage a love of reading.  Some of our best readers will only read books by a particular author, try to encourage a variety of genres including graphic novels and newspapers.
  • Support your child in having an excellent knowledge of their times tables
  • We pay for your child to have access to a variety of computer programmes and virtual learning environments at home like 'Mathletics', 'Reading Bugs' and 'Purple Mash'.  Encourage your child to use and enjoy them at home.  If you do not have their passwords just request them from your class teacher.  Their are links to the various websites on our 'School Supported Websites' tab under the 'Provision' Menu on the home screen of this website.
  • Encourage an interest in the News to develop your child's general knowledge.  Younger pupils may enjoy Newsround while our older pupils should begin to watch the national news.
  • Involve your child in real-life problem solving situations around your home i.e. measuring up for a new carpet!
  • Encourage plenty of physical activity to keep their body healthy too.

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