Since September 2016, Glanhowy Primary School has hosted an ASD Base which belongs to the Local Authority. This is one of three ASD primary provisions in Blaenau Gwent. Pupils attending Glanhowy Primary School cannot access the Local Authority ASD Base. The pupils who attend all specialist provisions in Blaenau Gwent are selected at the Local Authority's ALN Panel. We are delighted at Glanhowy to welcome 12 pupils in our ASD Base from many schools within the Blaenau Gwent region. It is an assumption by many parents that accessing Glanhowy Primary School through the local authority main stream admissions process would give pupils priority access to the ASD Base provision, this is not the case, the Local Authority make this decision for all schools hosting specialist resources bases.
Pupils are only considered at Local Authority panel if identified as a priority pupil at their school.